LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Top Relationship Tips From The Author’s Blog

Below is our interpretation of the best relationship tips we found on the blog of Riana Milne, author of LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve! which you can get at

1. Sibling rivalry: Avoid confrontation during family holidays and special occasions (and if you feel uncomfortable seeing a sibling at all due to past trauma, it’s okay to skip them entirely). A good reason to let go of past grievances is that people change, and putting the emphasis on a positive future will free and empower you. Keep your cool in response to provocation.

2. Marriage finances: Be honest about your past or existing money flaws. Be transparent while maintaining balance and independence. Don’t be (a) spendthrift(s). Don’t rush to tie the knot until you at least have a positive net worth. Schedule regular and frequent money talks.

3. Signs of trouble in a marriage: Greatly reduced physical contact. Conversations that resemble work-related communication between coworkers. One person beginning to feel like a domestic worker in a vacant home. Not confiding secrets in each other first.

4. Honesty in a relationship: If you’re unhappy about the how your partner’s behavior or attitude towards you has changed over time, don’t forget to think about whether you’re guilty of the same thing. Be faithful even in the face of temptation – this requires active, preventative vigilance otherwise you risk “accidentally” cheating.

5. Upset about a commitment-phobe? It could be the least of your worries (and a pointless one) if you’re overlooking other major flaws that make them an unsuitable marriage partner in the first place.

6. Toxic relationships: The mental toll a toxic partner inflicts in a relationship can have very real effects on your physical health. The causes of repeatedly falling for toxic people in the first place involves being afraid of trying healthier but unfamiliar relationship approaches, refusing to acknowledge the negative influence of past trauma(s), not being picky enough to the point of recklessness and being too idealistic – in most cases the root cause of all these is low self-worth and a sense of helplessness.

7. Delaying physical intimacy can not only help you see more clearly whether you are compatible with someone mentally, it can also help create space to develop compatibility in the first place.

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